Sunday 28 April 2013

Saddef Anwar : Evaluation - Question one

1.In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After our product research on Thriller openings and analysing thriller conventions, we used our results to help us engage with our audience using presentation of the conventions.

We used the formal conventions for our title sequence which included using a few production logos and incorporating names for the credits. We used big bold lettering for our title with the colour scheme white on black. These colours not only look effective, but imply the distinction between link and dark, reflecting on good vs. evil. We times our 'smash' transition on our title to reinforce the sound of the crash of the car accident and evidently makes it look more effective.

Using our product research we further decided on props and locations for our thriller opening.
  The isolated setting that we used for our hospital room is conventional of Thriller openings as isolation provokes mystery, it is also used to show the distinction between them and society, this is done by showing them in solitude. The use of a hospital room reinforces the psychological aspect of our thriller opening. The use of a hospital room is also shown in the film Unknown who's protagonist is also in a search for finding there own memory.
we used a variety of different equipment and editing techniques in our piece for different effects.

we used camera movement such as zoom for when our lead protagonist is lying on the road. we used this technique to help the audience focus upon her. We were inspired in doing such due to the zoom used in The Broken.

Our media product looks at the story of a young Muslim girl who damages a part of her brain called the hypo campus which therefore does not allow her to make any new memories. This has also been used in the film Memento.
The use of flashbacks suggest the importance of memory for the protagonist. The audience automatically realises that the protagonist has lost her ability to make new memories due to the big bandage on her head and the term 'damaged hypo campus' written on her hospital application form. The high pitched eerie sound used throughout the clip emphasises on the mystery and adds a tone of suspense. The isolation in the hospital room foreshadows her separation from society further on in the movie. The use of the 'Adhan' at the beginning automatically shows the audience that the film is not mainstream and targets the Muslim society and the lives of a girl evolving around the religion of Islam

A young Muslim girl who originates from a strict upbringing walks out from the mosque after offering her prayers, she is shown to be walking alone in a busy street. This identifies her independent personality, and her distinction from the western society and her Islamic morals. She is dressed in white and black, the white highlights her innocence whereas the black foreshadows the darkness that will consume her later on in the film.
The use of dreams and flashbacks work well when presenting the theme of memory which is very conventional in many psychological thrillers such as Unknown and Memento.
Unknown uses a similar sequence to our opening sequence with the crash, followed by the hospital scene and the idea of flashbacks occurring through dreams.

Using a female as the lead, and her not being white, subverts the typical conventions of a thriller film, or in fact, any film. However, this helps us to establish a niche audience for our film, meaning that our film would be made by an independent production company.

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