Thursday 21 February 2013


So we have now completed the first part of our filming :)

So on Friday 15th of February, me and Hanah met up after school at 4:30 in the common room. Whilst I got ready for the filming, Hanah went to get the camera. Story board in hand, we started filming the first part to our opening sequence. The next part was of the girl getting run over, despite trying, we were unable to film this because of the amount of cars that were going past, and we did not have a third person that could help us stop the traffic whilst we were filming. Therefore we decided that we will film this after halfterm with the help of a responsible adult..This is an exciting yet tense time for us. as fun as the process may be of making this, we have our first deadline slowly crawling up our backs.. Good luck to us!! and the rest of the groups :)

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