Tuesday 19 March 2013

Feedback for rough cut

After editing the rough cut of our film, we showed it to the other media students and we were able to get positive and negative feedback and also good criticism of our product in order to improve our final product.

1. Too many repetitive shots: Initially we wanted to make the character very ambigious and not give too much away in order to engage the reader from the start. But from the feedback the shots of the protagonists' friends was a bit repetitive.
Response: we will make other shots a lot more longer and avoid repeating the same shots. We would also cut between individual shots to make them more consistent.

2. Zoom into characters face after accident is too long
Response: we would cut that shot to a certain point to avoid disengaging the audience.

3. Sound; Heartbeat goes on for too long: As it was a dream, we wanted sound that would fit into the feel given off by dreams. 
Response: Use a variety of diegetic sound to make it eerie. We decided to keep the heartbeat but make it shorter.

4. Take the opening title off and add more titles: The title at the beginning doesn't necessarily go with the rest of the movie and the tiles. It also comes out for about a second and then goes off. This doesn't allow the audience to read what it says. 
Response: Add more titles such as the producer and director. Create new titles for distribution label.

5. At the end the sound stops and doesn't fade in. you can clearly hear the cut.
Response: Fade in the sound.

6. Off the centre at the last frame (at the end of the dreams)
Response; Re film the hospital scene. 

7. At the hospital scene the blood doesn't seem realistic enough.
Response: make the blood look realistic or just use a bandage.

8. The scene with the friends doesn't look like a point of view shot 
Response: We would film using a handheld camera to make it look more realistic and more of a point of view shot.

9. make the narrative clearer.

10. The glow/ dream like effect during the dreams makes the end product seem less of a thriller.
Response: work on glow.

Excellent camera quality especially the handheld camera used in the hospital scene. Also the close up of the character at the beginning was good.
Creativity in the accident scene.
Extreme close up after the accident.
Dissolves of different parts of the body at the hospital scene.

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