Sunday 3 March 2013

Title research

In order to generate effective titles that would match with the concept of our movie and capture the audience from the beginning, I looked at the different variations in titles of thriller films and their effect and how well the add to the film.


This title is simple and is in plain upper case letters without any special effects or 3D effects to make it sophisticated and complicated. It is very simple and adds to the town of the film as adds a dark and 'unknown' feeling to the film. It almost makes the film very mysterious and all quite ambiguous. The dark background adds to the conventions of a thriller as the dark background goes with the themes that are been presented in the film. This is similar to films such as

And the sixth sense.


This title is quite peculiar in thriller films. It is a simple nine frame structure which shows represents the theme and different parts of the film. Each frame have a particular meaning and some level of importance to the film. The first one shows a book opening which may represent a new chapter opening.the second frame shows the title 'seven' coming into the frame. All the frames are important as they are the first things you see when you look at the frame. Also, they highlight the thriller conventions and as they show particular props such as the needle and the finger wrapped by the band to show pain.

Also the mirror effect of the title shown in the above gives the title some sort of ghostlike or sinister effect.

This frame above highlights what I mentioned earlier i.e. titles showing and representing the themes. Also the 'seven' title is in a simple font but is in both with a fading effect on it to suggest Its thriller qualities

Pulp fiction is also a very simple but effective title. It is a 3D effect in upper case letters with a dark orange highlights the edges and a lighter shade of orange inside. These two colours are light and do not necessarily go with the dark lightning or dark gothic feel of thrillers.But it is effective because of the dark background or perhaps may suggest it being more of a crime thriller rather than a psychological one. The fact that it takes over the whole screen also suggest how effective the background makes it.

The Silence of the Lambs

This main title is different from the ones above as it comes up when the actual film starts. The title shows in bold with a white outline. The fact that it comes up in the dark clouds goes with the dark gothic theme and thriller conventions such as dark lighting.

The Black Swan

This title exposes in depth into the theme of thrillers. It explores the gothic and sinister themes that goes into thriller. The standard upper case font and the blood shows represents the thriller aspects of the film.

By researching the above, I am able get ideas on how to create the titles of put projects the backgrounds and how effective they would be on the audience we are trying to capture.










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