Monday 25 February 2013

Damaged Hippocampus

The female character in our thriller damages a part of her brain called the Hypocampus which is the part of the brain which acts as a gateway to make new memories. In order to show that the character has been diagnosed with this symptom, we will use a medical form as the prop. whilst looking at different forms online, I found one that I felt suited our opening well.

Music To My Ears...

So now that we have finalised two of our sounds that we would like to use, its time to make them accessible to us by downloading them.. So since the source for these tracks was YouTube, the first thing we had to do is check if they were subject to copyright so we could use them.. once verified that they were not, I started searching my App Store to find Applications which I could use to download the videos as Mp3 files, and then edit them..
After a while, I came across two reasonable Apps which I then downloaded..

So then I stared downloading the Sounds into Mp3 Files..

 So now I have successfully converted these files into Mp3 files in order for us to incorporate these into our opening sequence for our thriller.


Hanah came up with the name of our film, and we all agreed to it, we wanted to keep it short and simple and so therefore we brainstormed some of our other ideas.
The three options that stood out the best were:
2)Memento (which is Latin for 'Remember') and finally

Forgotten was the one that stood out most to us since it outlines the aspect of memory and has some sort of ambiguity to it since we want to know more about the film, the use of one word helps us to create questions in the minds of the audience, provoking them into watching the film.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Sound Research-Non diagetic

Sound Research
Our film consists of a young vulnerable Muslim girl, who get's run over  In our opening we would like to include non diegetic sounds, that create the idea of a 'crash'. Above is soundtrack I found on you-tube which had many relevant sounds, that we can use in our film. For example, the screeching of the brakes, right before the girl screams, will work well with the dreams and the shots of Saddef getting run over. I have chosen this because it would work very well with our opening sequence. The screams of the girl can be used to match the character Noor's voice, and can be reoccurring in our opening. The car crash creates suspense  and a sense of fear for the audience. The sirens in the video, can be used at the accident shot, and while she is having a her nightmares.

Hanah Eltaher 12.4

Diagetic Sounds

So our film consists of a Muslim girl, this girl is shown to be walking out of the mosque at  the beginning of the sequence, since we are unable to film outside a mosque, we can help to create the religious and congregational environment by using the diagetic sound of the Adhan
This specific prayer call that I have chosen has a soft mysterious sound playing in the back. The slow pace of the of recitation, alongside the soft music creates the perfect religious environment that we are trying to portray.


So we have now completed the first part of our filming :)

So on Friday 15th of February, me and Hanah met up after school at 4:30 in the common room. Whilst I got ready for the filming, Hanah went to get the camera. Story board in hand, we started filming the first part to our opening sequence. The next part was of the girl getting run over, despite trying, we were unable to film this because of the amount of cars that were going past, and we did not have a third person that could help us stop the traffic whilst we were filming. Therefore we decided that we will film this after halfterm with the help of a responsible adult..This is an exciting yet tense time for us. as fun as the process may be of making this, we have our first deadline slowly crawling up our backs.. Good luck to us!! and the rest of the groups :)

Thursday 14 February 2013

Let The Magic Begin..

So now its time to actually make our film.. so here is how we have planned to spend the next 2 weeks:

1) 15.Febuary.2013 : at 4:30, me and Hanah will meet up outside Burntwood and film the first bit to our opening,,

2) During the half term holidays, me and Hanah will be experimenting and researching the impact of sound and different possible pieces that we could consider using in our opening. Whilst Elaine researches the logos that we will be using for our opening credits.

3) 25.Febuary.2013 : The group as a whole will sit together in our lesson time and import the clips and start editing them together, with the credits too.

4) 26.Febuary.2013 : Me and Hannah will use our lesson time and start filming the second part to out thriller opening, ready to be edited and to be put together with the rest of our opening

Monday 11 February 2013


Our first location that we are using is outside our school, of the main road. we are going to portray our school as a mosque. our female lead will walk out of the gates and walk down this road.
This image is of a room that is located in the maths department, it is an empty room that only has a table, a couple of chairs and a computer. this room also has 3 large windows on one side that enable sharp sunlight to enter the room, this light brightens up the room and adds to a clinical effect, therefore we will be using this room as our hospital room when filming.
this is a picture of a backdrop that is used to take pictures in the photography room. in our opening sequence, our female lead has a dream, in our opening we show that dream, and in order to film it, we need to use specific backgrounds. for example to show something pure, we will film it against this white backdrop.
However, as well as filming things against a white background to suggest purity, we also need to film some aspects of our 'dream' that suggest darkness and evil, we will use the drama rooms since they have black walls and a black backdrop which we can use to portray the evil that we intend to imply.


Example of title

This is an example of a title I created using after effects.The program allows us to capture the feels and tone that goes with thrillers.

Preliminary Task

This is our preliminary task. Its is a start up to our actual project.It is to enable us to have a feel of how to film and the pressures that comes with it.