Friday 3 May 2013

Hanah Eltaher: Evaluation: Question 2

2)  How does your media product represent particular social groups?

    We feel like we have represented a niche audience, an Islamic Asian teenager social group
  • The young Muslim character 'Noor' is the protagonist of our film  
  • This is representation of them, is stereotypical  suggesting that perhaps young Muslim teenage girls are suppressed and feel the need to rebel. However it goes against the traditions of the religious views, which makes the narrative seem anti-stereotypical. 
  • We created this image of the protagonist  to challenge the audience's usual 'thriller film' experience, it challenged the conventions as in most thriller films, older white males are the lead characters. 
Muslim women in general are out cased from the 'media' and aren't given a specific role in any leading thriller films. This video is the main reason, as to why I felt that our main character should be untypical of a thriller film.

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