Friday 3 May 2013

Elaine Allotey: Evaluation Question 4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

In order to find out and investigate the target audience and age certification, we carried out a questionnaire to ask people about their ages and the different conventions they liked in films which we incorporated in our films once we came to conclusion about who the target audience was.

This meant that there had to be minimal use of violence, drug use and sexual content in our opening.

One limitation was the fact that we distributed the questionnaire in our school mostly to the students which meant that we didn't get varied responses to make an opening which is 18+.

We also gathered from our questionnaire that our opening would be a niche product target young Muslims girls as they are able to relate to what is happening and might not target all Muslim women as the older generations whether Muslim or not are seen as very traditional.

Having a 15+ classification means there are ceratin guidelines we had to follow to make sure our opening was approriate.

Typical audience
Generally, a typical audience would include 15+ males or females depending on what type of thriller it is. Normally, psychological thrillers will be 18+ as they include a lot of violence and is therefore harmful for younger audiences.
For our opening, a typical member of our audience has to be 15+ as it contains minimal use of violence and
sexuality. They can belong to any gender but will have to enjoy psychological thrillers. Also they h=may have to be interest in themes of independent films as our opening targets a niche audience which we expect to grow due to the increasing breakdown to traditional conventions such as Asians or Muslims being seen as villians.

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