Thursday 2 May 2013

Saddef Anwar: Evaluation -Question Seven

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I feel that I have progressed a lot not only as an individual but also as part of a group. Though we had a bit of a rough start with our preliminary task and made some silly mistakes whilst filming, we had to reshoot everything, however, we learnt how to avoid making such mistakes again. For example when filming the over the shoulder shots, one actor was filmed over the right shoulder, whilst the other on the left, breaking the 180degree line rule.

One area in which we have greatly improved in is our camera work. In our preliminary task we had to end up reshooting the conversation since we did not use the 180 degrees line when filming the over the shoulder shots for the conversation.

This is a shot from the reshoot of the shot reverse shot of the conversation in the preliminary task. One error with this shot is that we see too much of the male character, and therefore it just looks like the audience is standing behind the male character, also it makes the male characters head more dominant and the focus is laid upon him, rather than the female character who is speaking.

We also used a variety of close ups on the characters, we' mainly used close ups of the legs and feet and used the editing technique match on action to enhance the continuity.
Also you could see the clear cut the match on action especially when the main character was opening the door at the first scene.

In terms of sound, the dialogue was not as clear as it should have been but then again we had no control over that and it was very difficult when trying to find a quiet environment.

In terms of mise-en-scene our female lead is wearing black suggesting a dark personality, this is reinforced in the content of the clip where she is breaking up with her boyfriend. On the contrary the other male character is wearing lighter colours, for example white an beige, these colours reflect his innocence and vulnerability in the clip. 

Overall I feel that the use of making a preliminary task was very useful as it helped us to get comfortable using the cameras and experimenting different shots and compositions, and also it helped us to identify ourselves with the macs in terms of editing. due to this we did not have that much of a problem and loads to learn whilst actually making our final product.

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