Wednesday 16 January 2013

Product Research- Black Swan.

Black Swan 
I haven't watched this film but this trailer really intrigued me. The trailer really builds up into a crescendo, as it was subtle and implicitly shows that it is a thriller.

Editing and Camera
The fast paced editing near the end really captured my attention because it adds to the disorientation of the viewer. The close ups of the protagonist's face allow the audience to see the change in her mental state. This combines well with the increasing pace of the editing to show her growing confusion. Another close-up that was interesting was this hand-held one that helps to create a sense of paranoia around the protagonist.

This shot is interesting because of the way the light and her outfit creates a sense of innnocence being surrounded by darkness - a conventional theme in thrillers

Narrattive and Themes
The story line also can immensely help with our piece as it explores something similar to split personalities and again involves the human mind etc. The trailer uses the right amount of generic conventions to me, as it uses dark lighting when needed, breathing sounds add to the effect of helplessness and despair.
Conclusion - elements to consider:
Dark/dim lighting.
Crescendos/ tension building
Fast paced editing/ closeups of random objects to distort views
Hanah Eltaher 12.4

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