Monday 28 January 2013


Noor-El-Ein comes from a Muslim background with a strict up bringing. Though Noor had a strong faith and strict morals, evil did not fail in grasping her soul. One winter evening, whilst she is walking home from the mosque, she gets involved in a car accident and is severely injured. She gets rushed to the hospital were we learn that she has damaged her hypo campus. Whilst still unconscious, Noor has a dream in which she can see flashes of images of those evils that have been prohibited. She wakes up confused. Due to her hypo campus being damaged, her old memories have gone resulting in Noor unaware of the difference f right and wrong. She keeps getting the same dream over and over again and unknowingly sets off on the wrong path. She starts involving herself in antisocial behaviour and even gets a boyfriend. She eventually gets kicked out of  her out of the mosque. Noor is confused since she doesn’t remember taking part in anything bad due to the damage done to her brain. Her parents cannot take the embarrassment that their daughter has put them through and they kick her out. Noor is now very confused, a few days later her boyfriend breaks up with her, and not being able to take the pain, she murders him. The next day she goes to meet him and finds him dead. At this point she realises  that something is wrong. Noor is now alone, and now its up to her to find out who killed him even though she did and doesn't want to accept it. Every time she tries to remember what happened her anger takes over and she kills someone. Will she be able to work through the mystery of her life? Or will these questions only lead to more closed doors? 

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