Sunday 27 January 2013

Product Research: The BROKEN


Analysis of Trailer

Camera Work : The camera work has been used very effectively in this shot. we see a female character lying in a bath tub. The camera is slowly zooming into the face of the female character, this suggests thought and focus.
Mise-en-Scene : The female character is lying in a bath tub with is white, the colour white reflects the innocence and purity of the character, however, behind her we see a dark grey wall, this colour carries strength and mystery and suggests some kind of negative attributes, such as mourning. The rough grey clouds almost act like clouds that are going to 'rain over her'. We can make such judgements also because of her facial expressions, and the scar and stitches across her forehead. We imagine her to be in some kind of deep thought related to the scar.
The on her forehead is very deep which suggests pain, the fact that it is on her forehead suggests that maybe she has had something revealed to her which caused her mental pain, or maybe she has learnt something which has left her in shock. Also it seems like a there is a shadow behind her since the colours look mysterious.
 Camera work and Editing : Whilst the camera is slowly zooming towards the female character who is lying in the bath tub, we suddenly are greeted with a montage of short takes. the fast pace of the shots and the fast cuts suggest some kind of past memory, and so we realise that the women is thinking back to a party where everyone is holding a toast. we have now been introduced to two more characters, a male and a female whom which the women sees in her flashback.


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