Saturday 12 January 2013

Silence of the lambs

This Jonathan Demme thriller is about a top student at the FBI's training academy whose analyses of serial killers lands her a special assignment that will change her life forever. What this film does well is that, the opening of the film misleads the audience in the sense that it we are first introduced to a female character (Jodie Foster) who seems to be running from something, but as the scene develops, we realise she's training and works or the FBI. This technique engages the audience at the first glance. It then uses the orchestral non diegetic piece which contrasts the whole plot of the film to show represent the female character as perhaps the hero in the film. It also uses natural lighting outside and then uses higher lighting in the FBI building to highlight it as a safe area. It also shoots it from a low angle to show its superiority. It also visually shows themes i.e. hurt,agony and pain which is unusual in a lot of genres.
Overall, this movie is works wells as it uses effective conventions such as dramatic lighting usually low key lighting etc to create the an effect on the audience.

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