Saturday 12 January 2013

The Sixth Sense

M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense presents the main character as a little boy just like in a lot of thrillers and also horror movies which children as they're vulnerable and are easier to get the audience to empathise with them. This quickly engages the audience. Just like most thriller, every 'event' happens at night time when everyone seems vulnerable as it is the end of the day. It is also a physiological thriller hence links in with the mind and how it works. This makes the evening the perfect setting and atmosphere to create the most tension and suspense.
What this film does well is it uses the main character to portray the main themes and ideas. It also uses the older characters through their fear of the dead to captivate audience as old people are meant to comfort the children. This adds the thrill and fear to the film.
All the above adds works well and links into the film's plot.

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