Tuesday 22 January 2013

Audience Research



How Old Are You? :

The first question that we asked our audience is there age, this is one of the key aspects of research required when carrying out audience research, this is because age can have a big impact on likes and dislikes. Though our sample of 30 people are not representative, we still managed to get something feedback from as many different ages possible.

 What Gender Are You? :

The second question we asked our audience is their age, again with this we tried to get our feedback to be reasonably proportioned because gender also affects what kind of film someone would prefer, such as romantic movies are usually aimed at women and action adventure movies are usually aimed at men.

What Ethnicity Do You Belong To? :

The next thing we asked our audience is what ethnicity they belong to. This is very important when researching for anything, this is because different ethnicities have different cultures. Therefore the cultures of certain people may influence what kind of product interests them. As you can see that we tried to get a whole variety of different ethnicities so we could learn about choices of films from all kinds of perspectives.

On Average How Many Times Do You Go To A Cinema In A Month? :
Since we are researching films, it is important to ask our audience how many times they go to the cinema to watch a film, yes its true some people do watch films on Blue-ray and DVD at home, however the purpose for this is to see how many people would actually go to the cinema to watch a new release. we saw that only 20% don't go to the cinema at least once in a month, meaning that 80% go at least once. we also learnt that the majority of these people were of a young age. One main reasons behind making a film is for the money, so in order for our production company to make a blockbuster film, we need to reach for an audience that is most likely to watch our film in the cinema when it first releases, and since the majority were between the ages of 14-27, that is the age group that we will be aiming for when making our thriller.
What Is Your Preferred Film Genre? :

Whilst researching our audience, it is important that we also look at what genres are most popular, as you can see from your results that their is a mixture. The highest percentage belongs to Rom-Coms and Action-Adventures which are both hybrids, whilst the lowest belongs to Historical. Even though Thriller movies did not have the highest percentage, they still had a percentage of 13% which is still a significant amount. Whilst speaking to some of our interviewees we learnt that even though Thrillers were not their favourite film genre, they still did watch a lot of them and found them very intriguing.

Have You Ever Watched A Thriller? :
 Since we are making a thriller, it is important to know how many people have actually watched a thriller movie at any point of their lives, as you can see the majority said yes they have.

What Is The Most Important Aspect Of  Thriller Film? :
The final question that we asked our researchers was what they felt was the most important aspect of a thriller. We asked them this question so could analyse how well our audience knew the genre and to see what they thought gave a film the thriller aspect. We had a lot of different answers but most of our respondents told us that the main aspect of a thriller is suspense, without suspense a film cannot be called a thriller, this is because the idea of the film 'thrilling' the audience is through the suspense that holds the audience at end. However, our respondents also told us that without a good narrative, the suspense is meaningless. Suspense only works in a film due to is storyline, if it is clichéd and simple, it is very hard to include suspense, and even if we do, it may not be as effective. Other respondents also told us that without a good setting and characters, including suspense is very difficult. This is because good actors are required to take on these roles, for example, if an actor fails to act out something correctly, the audience will lose interest and get bored. Also intriguing settings are also a key aspect of showing suspense, and also using the setting wisely and unexpectedly. 

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